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At a moment when the planet and future of humanity are in peril...when so many are agonizing over where things are headed yet dreaming of something far better...Revolution Books is where you find the way out of the madness. Here the search for the truth meets the poetic spirit—with books, authors, films, and performance. Here you find the most radical revolution in the work and leadership of Bob Avakian who has developed the new communism aimed at the emancipation of humanity. A revolution to overthrow this system, and create a society and world in which human beings can truly flourish and the imagination can soar. Welcome to Revolution Books.

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Hannah Moushabeck presents her book: Homeland: My Father Dreams of Palestine
Sunday, May 5, 6:30 p.m.

At this time of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, when courageous protests at campuses across the country are under assault by police, when the urgent need for a whole new and fundamentally different system cries out, Revolution Books is proud to host this event.

As bedtime approaches, three young girls eagerly await the return of their father, who tells them stories of a faraway homeland—of Palestine. Through their father’s memories, and the beautiful illustrations by Reem Madooh, the Old City of Jerusalem comes to life: the sounds of juice vendors beating rhythms with brass cups, the smell of argileh drifting through windows, and the sight of doves flapping their wings toward home. These daughters of the diaspora feel love for a place they have never been, a home they cannot visit. But, as their father’s story comes to an end, they know that through his memories they will always return.

Hannah Moushabeck is a second-generation Palestinian American who was raised in a family of booksellers and publishers in Massachusetts and England. In a recent interview she said, “My family was ethnically cleansed from Palestine in 1948 during what the Palestinians called the Nakba, when over 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from their ancestral land. I grew up with stories of Palestine and have grown up fighting for a free Palestine as my parents did before me. I have family in Ramallah and the West Bank. And I have friends in Gaza."

Her book, Homeland: My Father Dreams of Palestine is available here.

Hannah Moushabeck